Anniversary Celebrating 7 years at SSW! It's a new year and time to celebrate my 7th anniversary at SSW! 🎉 I've had an amazing journey at SSW so far, and I'm looking forward to working here for many more years.
Windows11 Use Windows Subsystem for Android in Visual Studio This blog post is to summarize what you should do to run Windows Subsystem for Android in Visual Studio. If you need instructions on how to enable Windows Subsystem for Android in Windows
Windows11 Use Windows Subsystem for Android in Windows 11 (non-US edition) UPDATED: 04/08/2022 - Updated screenshots and steps to reflect W11 Insider Preview on Release Preview. NOTE: This is for developers and users that I don't mind side-loading Android apps. Recently, I
Blazor Using AppSettings in Blazor WebAssembly While client-side Blazor technically isn't yet stable, I love working with it more than other web front-end technologies. One significant hiccup I found while developing Cognitive Studio is having environment-sensitive configurations for the
EF Core EF Core Query Tags and Alternatives UPDATE: Upgraded samples to EF Core 5. (you can find old sample code in this branch) When doing a performance review on client applications (and my friend's apps), I often see issues related
Cognitive Services Getting started with Form Recognizer (preview) When I first heard about Form Recognizer, I thought to myself, "Wow, there are so many forms in the real world that needs to be parsed and digitilized!". Once v2 preview
retro Retrospective: 2019 Inspired by my friend's retrospective blog post, I have also decided to make a retrospective. For me, a retro isn't just about looking at the past and fixing old mistakes, but also to
ML.NET Interview - Machine Learning that's ACTUALLY easy with Richard Campbell Do you want to try machine learning, but don't want to invest too much time learning a new programming language or some other complicated API or complicated online tools? Richard Campbell and I
Blazor Publish client-side Blazor to GitHub pages Trying to publish client-side Blazor to GitHub pages but doesn't work? This blog posts covers how to make that happen! 🚀
ML.NET Simplified Machine Learning for Developers with ML.NET Recently I've been on a tour around Australia presenting about how .NET developers can start with their Machine Learning story in minutes. I presented at the SSW User Groups (Gold Coast, Brisbane, Melbourne,
Serilog ASP.NET Core 5 + Serilog UPDATED TO .NET 5 (31/12/2020) I have been a great fan of Serilog and Seq for over 2 years and I delivered great value to many of my clients. After many
.NET Core Simple Machine Learning classification with ML.NET (custom code without Model Builder) TL;DR; check my GitHub project for bank transaction classification. UPDATE: If you are looking to learn Machine Learning with minimum code and effort, check out Simplified
Cognitive Services Real-time face recognition with Microsoft Cognitive Services Recently, I have been touring around Australia to present how to do real-time face recognition with Microsoft Cognitive Services. In the presentation I go through how to reduce cost, what are some of
Debugging Remote web debugging with Vorlon In this post we'll cover how to debug applications running in browser and/or devices that don't have debugging abilities. We'll manipulate DOM tree, see console output and more. This post works great
EF Core Handling EF Core migrations in a team Entity Framework Core has a good migration story for the Database, however it's not perfect, especially in a large team where DB schema changes are frequent. All migrations are increamental based on the
Serilog How to get Angular logs to Seq The Angular applications are starting to become and more complicated with more layers on the client side then ever before. This means we should treat client-side applications similarly as back-end projects. For non-dev
Debugging Remote debugging on Android and iOS devices Every year the market share of mobile devices is growing, which means that testing on a mobile device is becoming increasingly more important. While in easy cases we can open just open up
.NET Core .NET Core complex EF Core unit testing When writing unit tests for EF Core we can use InMemoryDatabase so that we don't have to create mock repositories. But sometimes we need to test functionalities that are not supported in in-memory-database.
Serilog Why is Serilog not writing my logs into Seq? (Console app) When setting up Serilog for .Net Core Console application there a few things to keep in mind on initial setup. The most important one is the lifecycle for Serilog since the lifecycle of
Comparison between C# 5 and 6 features Comparison between C# 5 and C# 6 features in a console app (applies to all platforms) Find project on GitHub Presented features: Auto-property initializes nameof Method lamdba expressions Using static Await in catch